Monday, September 20, 2010

Health Weekend 1.2

So the weekend is over and I must say my treatment during it was great. I used Dr. Miracle's Deep Conditioner and it was FANTASTIC!! The tingle was soothing, and when I placed the heating cap on my head I could definitely feel the warmth. I washed it out after about 45min... and my hair was incredibly manageable and clean. I could feel my hair rejoicing! It's usually very hard to get a comb through my hair but after this process it was a breeze to comb and braid it down!

The Next day I used the hot oil treatment. I've never had this before so my experience was 'meh' Boiled water, let it sit, dropped the tub in and then applied it to my hair. I do believe I needed two tubes because my hair didn't seem like it was completely saturated with the oil. I left it in for three hours (above the rec' time) and then washed it. It felt a bit... dry like? Which was different, I feel like if I applied more oil it would have worked better. Overall though I'm happy for my hair over the weekend, and continue to keep it moisturized with natural oils!

King Size Barbie Brown Circle Lens Review

 Okay, so I've actually had these particular lenses for about two months. they were my first pair! (woot) from the fantastic site of The site provided adorable lookign animal cases for these which sucked me into buyning (along with their great track record)

These are really nice lenses! Extreeemly comfortable these are great starter lenses for someone that is not too sure about circle lenses. They are not too big not too in your face, but has just enough wow. The pattern isn't 'natural' up close, and is very muted on dark brown eyes, more so than what you'll see on the models. It is still a very nice lens to wear to school and wont be distracting. These are 'King Size' I've seen these look huge on some people, and on me they look almost normal.

From what I saw on the models, I was dissapointed in color and size, but that's understandable because things are photo shopped and other's eye shapes are different.

Overall I recommend these for comfort and first time circle lens users, but not so much for  adrastic color change

(In Sunlight. Inside they'll mostly look Black with a highlight of brown)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hair Health Weekend

So after yeaaaars of not taking care of my natural hair, I've decided I want to give it the royal treatment and tender lovin' care it deserves~ I've never had a relaxer in my life, my mom told me I could get one when I could take care of it myself (because she didn't want me blaming her if my hair fell out... which I would have XD) Now that I'm 'responsible' I don't want to get one! My hair though has always been pretty long but not so healthy. I never wrapped it or covered it before bed, and washed it only at the salon every two weeks (when I was at home) When I got to college, I didn't have the money to go every two weeks... I'd be lucky if i went once a month. And so my hair began to feel the effects of not being taken care of . Three years later I want a change.

I've been keeps my hair in protective styles *braids under wigs) for about 5-6 months, and only placed a flat ironed on it once since then (which you can see in the pics below in the front of my hair) Surprisingly my hair grew about 2 inches!   So this weekend, I'm doing a Deep Conditioning treatment with Dr Miracle's Tingling pack, and a Hot oil Treatment the day after. Hopefully My hair will be softer, and healthier. Never tried either of these before so it'll be interesting~ I've heard through the grape vines how grease is bad for the hair because of the mineral oils and petroleum but that's all I've ever used up until the last two years because that was one of the only ways to get my hair to have that 'relaxed look'. Now... time for a change, a good one I hope!

My hair out of braids with a partially flat ironed front


What I'll be using this weekend
