Sunday, November 14, 2010

Geo World Series/Tri color Green

Picked up these from which I still stand by being a fantastic shop!  These lenses are very nice. I admit I don't wear them often (clubbing/events) because they are a lot brighter than they show up on the model. The are very nice at blending and are only 14mm lenses. Gorgeous in the sunlight, they are as bright and pretty as fresh cut grass (odd description I know) Very comfortable and no enlargement for me </3 Best thing I love about these are the lack of limbal rings. Three colors Brown darker and then lighter green, that give for a greater blending and natural effect. These wil  be very natural on someone with light eyes, and are still great for those with dark.

Color: 10/10
Enlargement: 0/10

Up Close: Sunlight

Full face

Rilakkuma Kigurumi Pajamas!!


I finally got a Kigurumi Pajama a couple of weeks ago. I have always seen them around but not knowing what they were!. Once a common street fashion in Japan is now more or less cutesy lounge/couple wear. I found out more about it from youtube and Gaiaonline (surprise surprise) I decided to go for Rilakkuma a Japanese bear character. I was picky in between choosing Rali, or Pika, but I've always wanted bear pajamas. I got them from this great store  They have an awesome array of Kigu's for spring and summer, and they also do pre-orders!I also bought the spring version (light weight non fleece) Still gets a bit warm if you're not in the A/C. Came VERY FAST they shipped it in about two days, and I got it 3 days later. EMS good stuff. Now for the PICS


Kigu Stretched out.


The Package it was shipped in. The Kigu Packaged, and also the free Halloween candy it came with!




Picture with the Kigu on



Used it as a Halloween costume <3 Photobucket